
Level 1 Match to benefit Support-A-Soldier
March 16, 2024


Cameo will be hosting what would be our typical “third Saturday of the month match”…..but this one will not be typical! We will be holding an expanded Level 1 USPSA match as a benefit for the Support A Soldier foundation. Support-A-Soldier is a non-profit headquartered here in GJ that raises money to equip our “in the field” armed forces (mostly Special Forces) with the non-lethal items they need to stay safe and efficient while in combat…stuff they just can’t get from Uncle Sam. This is an important cause and all match expenses, except for the $10 range fee, are being covered so that the match fees you pay go directly to helping fund SAS’s needs for our guys keeping us safe! Also, we will be inviting some Special Ops guys to compete with us at this match! Come on out to beautiful GJ and World Class Cameo for an awesome match and meet the head of SAS while you’re here!

Contact APG
Cameo Shooting & Education Complex
3934 I 9/10 Road, Palisade CO 81526